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Narcan Information + Training

Narcan Information + Training

Opportunity to Get Involved and be Informed
Recently the FDA approved Naloxone, commonly known brand name of Narcan, for over the counter sale and use as an attempt to help put a stop the current opioid crisis the U.S. is facing.

What does this mean and why should it matter to you?

This approval allows this life-saving medication to get in the hands of citizens and business owners to potentially help someone in a moment of need. Opioid overdoses related to heroin, fentanyl, and others are currently linked to over 100,000 deaths per year in the U.S., some of which are created due to picking up trace amounts of these drugs on paper, money, or even laced into candy (think Halloween Trick-or-Treating). With such easy ways for these drugs to find their way into an innocent person’s system, it is important to see and know the signs of an overdose in anyone and how to use and administer Narcan to revive and save a life.

Jon Magnuson, our recently Awarded Citizen of the Year, pastor at Beacon Church, and the founder of The Next Network, will be holding an Overdose Awareness + Narcan Training Friday, May 12, 2023 from 7 – 8:30 P.M. at Beacon Church. Attendance is free and members of the community are encouraged to attend.

Where can Narcan be found in Litchfield?

Recently an emergency box was placed outside of St. Francis Hospital that is filled daily and is free for the community to take. Some local businesses already have it on hand, like The Briar Rose located at 216 N. State Street, and others will have it soon.

Is it safe for me to have or administer Narcan at my business?

Shelter Insurance Agent, John Blank, recently addressed a few concerns businesses have with keeping Narcan on hand and administering it, if the situation were ever to occur, “Narcan administration is covered under the “Good Samaritan Law”. This means that the person administering the Narcan cannot be found liable due to the fact they are trying to save the life of the person in distress just the same as a person trying to do CPR on an unconscious person. Most people haven’t thought that in most businesses we take cash from customers or touch paperwork that they have touched. If there is Fentanyl on the cash or paperwork, that person coming in contact with the Fentanyl could be at grave risk. The Narcan could save the life of a co-worker or maybe yourself. This is why it is needed to be in these businesses. The life you save may be your own. Please feel free to contact your Insurance Agent if you have questions. “

Overdoses can be scary and create a lot of pain for those affected by them. This is a great local opportunity to become educated on Narcan and potentially save a life.